We're in the van yesterday driving home and I was on the phone. As soon as I hung up The Boy says "Mom, I lost a tooth." I look in the rearview mirror and he's got his hand stretched out to me - I said are you serious? He says YEP and has a tiny tooth in his hand with blood dripping out of his mouth! WHILE I'm DRIVING! I couldn't believe it! Kyle says, well is it bleeding badly? Can you see the other one coming in? I said I don't know, I'm driving! Ask Dylan, he's back there with him! The one next to it was loose too, and about two hours later we had this:

My dear friend Suzanne said it best: "This has gone from cute to uncomfortable." Exactly! With the first tooth it was aw... how cute... he lost his first tooth... and with the second one, I was slightly creeped out.
He's 4 1/2 years old. Two lost teeth. So not only is he a big boy...he's growing up faster than he should, which I don't think is really fair. So of course this morning at school was a big deal - he had to announce it to everyone and he's the first member of Miss Katie's "Lost Tooth Club." Big stuff going on.
He talks with a little lisp now which is cute! Another reminder that he's still a little boy, but he's getting bigger. Quick. And while we're on the topic, a few more one liners:
-We have a birthday party this weekend and bought a gift. It was still in the bag and The Boy says, "Mom, you need to make that gift look like a present" (meaning, you need to wrap it). He constantly does this to me - reminds me of things I need to do or how to handle things, like I don't have enough people on my keester doing that. So I said, I know, I will when we get home. He goes, "You could probably use that red bag we have in the basement. I think it will fit in there." And we do, we have a pile of gift bags in the basement. Thanks... I'll get right on that.
-Yesterday it was pouring down rain on my way to work and I couldn't find my raincoat so I put on a ballcap just to keep my hair dry. I ran His Brother into the sitter and got back in the car. The Boy says, "Mom, you need to take that hat off. You look crazy." I said, I just had it on since it was raining. The Boy: "Well, it's not raining in the car."
-His Brother learned to make noises with his mouth. He also shakes his head side to side in the "no" motion. So he was doing both of these at the same time and I asked The Boy if it was him making the noises.
me: Boy, is that you?
The Boy: No it's not, it's Dylan.
(Dylan is shaking his head back and forth)
me: Boy, he is saying no, it isn't him.
The Boy: MOM! It IS him! He's lying!
-Sally came to visit His Brother before she takes a trip for a week. The two boys stayed with her while I ran to the store. The Boy was eating Cheeze Its and Sally asked if she could have one.
Sally: Those look good, can I have one?
The Boy: Sure.
Sally: Thank you for sharing. Can I have another one?
The Boy: Okay. But make that your last one.
It just never ends at our house.
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