Dad is assistant coach and the two are having so much fun out there together. It's awesome to see how all of this has come together because Kyle has talked about coaching baseball since before we even had kids, and now that we have two boys, looks like the day has finally come. He even dusted off his old mit (glove? what's the difference? I'm still learning here) and is out there playing ball just like his high school days.
Now I'm not much of the athletic type, but I did notice that The Boy was standing on first and let the ball roll between his legs, not paying attention to the batter. "Natey!" I hollered. "Gotta keep your eye on the ball!" He goes, "MOM! Don't you think I KNOW to watch the ball?!" Excuse me... I didn't realize at the age of four that you had the game figured out.
It is so much fun watching these four year olds get the idea of baseball. They've practiced running the bases and hitting, throwing and catching. One kid hit, and skipped first and ran right to second. The coach said, you gotta tag first! And the kid goes, "I couldn't! There was another kid on it!!" (meaning the first baseman).
For the first two practices they practiced running the bases and then focused on running and stopping at first. At the end of the practice, the coach was leading the group around the bases and said, okay, we're gonna run all the bases now... he hit first, looked behind him and realized there was a train wreck of kids on first base...for an hour, all they had talked about was STOPPING AT FIRST! So they didn't quite get the idea that at some point, they'd run ALL the bases! :)
The mighty Giants have their first game this Saturday and I hate to miss it, but I'll be flying South with Baby Brother for some family time in Florida. More updates to follow...

Emily you are going to love watching him. They are so much fun at this age. It gets pretty hyseteical at times. They have no idea what they are doing!! The memories will last forever!!!
OMG!!! So proud of Natey! Can't wait to sit in the stands and holler at him! ;) xox
Yawn.... what is going on with this blog? What, are you too busy raising two adorable young men??
Looking forward to lunch next week....
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