Jeeze... get off my case.. okay, okay... you readers have requested an update. Sorry for the delay. Don't you know I'm working on growing a life right now?!
Kyle has a new job! Working for UPS. Thank God. Sounds like a good gig. The hours are rough but he's slowly getting adjusted to that, and it sounds like there are opportunities for him through UPS just around the corner if we can continue to be patient. We're getting good at that. So start sending packages via UPS. See what Brown can do for you...
Natey's latest one-liners:
-We were heading to Mimi and Papa's for dinner on Friday and Kyle was going to be at the Ball State game with his dad. Natey asked me if he would be with us at the game and I said no, Daddy had other things to do. From the backseat of the car, he said, matter-of-factly, "Well, he needs to stay home and get on that laundry." Yes, my dear son, he does.
-Yesterday we had to stop by Betsy and Steve's and as I was opening the door to the van, Nathan pointed at a small (microscopic) mark on the van. "MOM... did you hit something with the car? Because I see a mark RIGHT HERE." Sounds familiar from ANOTHER male in my house...(and the answer is no, I did not hit something. At least that I can recall.)
-We were tossing the football around out back while Kyle was trying to get to sleep (his new hours start at 3 a.m.!). Nathan crouched down in the "hike" position and asked me to do it also. I said, no way, I can't right now because I got this big ol' baby in my tummy. He goes, "Well, you DO need those black stripes under your eyes." If I can't crouch down, it's the LEAST I could do...
That's all I can think of for now. Here's a few pics... and hopefully soon I'll have more exciting news to talk about. :)
LOOK who can swim all by himself!!
Hard to believe Catey is five months old already! She looks JUST like her dad... sorry Heather...welcome to my world! :)
More soon from the Bartletts. Right now we're working on a name for this little one. Nathan has voted on Spider Man. Cute.
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