I was exhausted. Let me explain.
First, Kyle had his hockey skates from his days with the Carmel Ice Hounds.... so those bad boys needed sharpened. $7. Then we wait in line, pay for all of us and two skates for me and Nathan. $22. We then get laced up and I realize that it has been a LONG time since putting on ice skates, and I'm not quite the skater I used to be. Kyle's 1994 skate laces weren't holding up so I bought him another pair while he helped Nathan. $5 for new laces...do we see a trend here?!? Also, while we were waiting on the skates to be sharpened, we looked around. Hockey is a VERY expensive sport!! Skates (which I'm guessing are outgrown every year?) were around $200, then stick, shoulder pads, knee pads, something called hockey tape that looked like duct tape but was white...I was starting to feel like I might pass out and secretly hoped that Nathan would NOT take after his dad and like hockey. Then while we were getting laced up we met a nice couple who was getting their four-year-old all "suited up" and the mom says, "I'm not putting on all of your gear. You're just here to skate..." Then I hear her say, under her breath..."I swear, I spend half my life getting him in and out of this stuff...." Great...
After all of this it had been a half hour (and $34 later) and I was already sweating, trying to walk around on skates and keep Nathan from falling over. He did awesome!! Kyle had him out there and of course, Kyle skated like 13 years hadn't passed and he just played hockey yesterday. Nathan did SO well! Kyle skated backward and held Nathan's hands and he did great. One lap really wore him out though, so after that we sat for a bit and Kyle relived his Ice Hound days. I spent my time on the ice doing triple axles and other sweet moves that made the cute little skirt I was wearing sparkle on the ice...*
(*this information is false)
We found classes for Nathan that are HOSTED by none other than Chris Chelios! It's probably like a million dollars to sign him up but after Kyle heard that Christ Chelios was involved, it was a done deal. Upon reading the brochure, I immediately recognized the name and knew that getting Nathan in that class was of utter importance.*
(*this information is also false. My response to reading the brochure was, "isn't Chris Chelly-is a big deal?")
My feet have never hurt so bad. I did not even make one lap around the rink! Apparently its not like riding a bike and you can't just pick it up where you left off. Kyle said for me to skate it cost us $1 a minute.... So although I won't be practicing skating with Nathan, I will make a great team mom. I mean, I can be in charge of the brownies and juice boxes.... The pictures aren't that great (cut me some slack, I was on ice skates...) and I have awesome video that I am trying to post. Check out the ice skating pics, and other Bartlett pics at www.snapfish.com - email me and I will give you the info....
In other Bartlett news, Nathan went to the dentist for the first time on Saturday and Kyle made fun of me for taking pictures...he did awesome and got a new toothbrush. No cavities!! He was so excited and showed Kyle his new pretty smile...he's such a big boy....

1 comment:
I loved your blog! It sounds like Sunday was so much fun! It was so fun to see big boy on the ice...Nathan, not Kyle. Em you might want to consider a part time job as conductor on your train ride to pay the ice fees.
Love Grandma Betsy
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