The Boy wanted me to take a picture of him with every Star Wars guy. They were all the same to me.

Notice I am not in any of these pictures. Does anyone ever say, here Momma, let me get a picture of you and the boys.... no. I'm the one making memories. They'll thank me some day, but if I ever die, there will be no pictures to post at my funeral!!

And being the mother of boys, I am asked to take photographs like this one. Who wants an 8x10? Wallets?

This is all this guy does. He loves it.

No one wanted to go to the Barbie exhibit with me. Well guess what? He's too young to say no. He's my favorite...

One of his favorites. He probably spent an hour doing this.

More trips to the CM to come. Maybe, I'll get a photograph of myself there. Just maybe.
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